你们谁有比特币实体币的英文(Who Has Physical Bitcoin Coins)
2024-04-28 13:01:41

Who Has Physical Bitcoin Coins

When it comes to talking about Bitcoin, most people tend to think of a virtual currency that exists solely within a digital ecosystem. However, it may come as a surprise that there are actually physical Bitcoin coins in the world. In this article, we will explore who has physical Bitcoin coins and what makes them unique.

What Are Physical Bitcoins?

Physical Bitcoins are tangible and usually made of metal. They come in different designs, shapes, and sizes, mimicking traditional coins or bars of gold. Physical Bitcoins incorporate a unique address, a private key, or a seed phrase, just like traditional Bitcoin wallets. However, unlike digital wallets, physical Bitcoins store these keys in a piece of metal, which is difficult to hack or damage, making it more secure for long-term storage.

Who Has Physical Bitcoins?

Physical Bitcoins are rare, as the majority of Bitcoin is held virtually on digital wallets or exchanges. Physical Bitcoins are mostly owned by collectors, early adopters, or Bitcoin enthusiasts who have an attachment to the physical aspect of the currency and value the uniqueness of the coins. Some companies may also issue physical Bitcoins as promotions or rewards for contests, such as the Bitcoin Centennial Prize, which rewarded a physical Bitcoin coin worth one million dollars as its grand prize.

The First Physical Bitcoin Coin

The first-known physical Bitcoin coin was created by a Finnish entrepreneur, Mikko Ohtamaa, in 2011. The coin was made of brass and copper, and its outer ring featured the Bitcoin logo. A private key was hidden behind a tamper-evident hologram on the coin's reverse side. The coin was called the "Casascius coin," and it quickly became a collector's item and a symbol of Bitcoin's early days.

However, the Casascius coin's popularity waned after the U.S. Treasury Department labeled it as a money transmitter business, and its creator ceased selling it in 2013. Nevertheless, the Casascius coin became the prototype for many other physical Bitcoin coins that followed.

Other Physical Bitcoins

Apart from the original Casascius coin, there has been a range of physical Bitcoin coins that emerged in the market since then. One of the most popular ones is the "Titan Bitcoin." It is made of pure silver and weighs one troy ounce. It comes in different denominations, from 0.1 BTC to 1,000 BTC, and has a unique hologram that prevents counterfeiting. Each coin is embedded with a ColdCard wallet chip for secure storage of the private keys.

Another notable physical Bitcoin coin is the "Satori Coin." It is hand-finished and features intricate designs inspired by Zen Buddhist philosophy. Unlike other coins, the Satori Coin does not have a private key hidden within. Instead, the coin is a physical representation of a cold storage wallet address. The owner can use the address to store their Bitcoin, giving them control over the coin's content without risking its physical safety.


Physical Bitcoin coins are a unique and rare form of the digital currency. They are treasures that appeal to early Bitcoin adopters, collectors, and enthusiasts. Although physical Bitcoins are not as practical for everyday use as digital ones, they provide a tangible representation of the value and importance of Bitcoin. As the digital world continues to expand and evolve, physical Bitcoin coins are likely to remain an intriguing aspect of the currency's history and future.



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